Why Are Civil Liberties Important

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Civil Liberties are limitations that are put on the government so that they cannot do specific things that could possibly interfere with people’s freedom. Some Civil Liberties are the First Amendment, Second Amendment and the Fourth Amendment. The First Amendment was the right to have freedom of speech, press, religion and petition. These are personal things that people should have a choice in having within the United states. It wouldn’t be fair to make a national religion for the country. These rights are the most important rights that cannot be taken away from an american citizen. The Second Amendment is the right to keep bare arms. This was put into the amendments because the government wanted people to be able to protect themselves. This was important because they didn’t want people to think that the …show more content…

Des Moines, Roe v. Wade and Miranda v. Arizona. These cases are very involved with civil liberties and helped people interpret what their liberties truly are.

Tinker v. Des Moines was about students rights and being able to express their beliefs by wearing black armbands to protest against the Vietnam War. The case was decided on February 24th, 1969. It was a vote 7-2. The Supreme court said that the students have a right to freedom of speech as long as those don’t affect other students. Students do not lose their rights when they go to school. The Supreme Court believed that the kids did nothing wrong and were able shouldn’t have been suspended.

Roe v. Wade was about how women's rights and how women should be able to have abortions. At the time, abortion was illegal in many states. The Case was said to be against the 9th amendment. People should have the right to be able to do things such as abortion in privacy. The court decided on January 22, 1973. The vote was 7-2. Abortion would only be legal until the point where a baby could live on its own. Overall, the case came down to where it had to do with

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