Who Was Responsible For Macbeth's Downfall

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The individual who is most responsible for Macbeth’s demise is Macbeth himself.
The first reason as to why Macbeth is responsible or his own demise is because his own ambition pressured him to kill an abundance of people. The witches told him his prophecy; however, Macbeth took it further by killing Banquo, Duncan and Lady Macduff. The witches never told Macbeth to kill those individuals; Macbeth selfish decision lead him to commit those crimes. His deep desire for the power pressured him to commit many murders, and that is what fueled his motivation. Furthermore, Macbeth had a strong urge for his family to carry the crown long after he was gone. However, that was not possible since he had no children, and that’s what lead Macbeth to his

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