Who Is William Tubman The President Of Liberia

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William Tubman (November 29, 1895 – July 23, 1971) was President of African nation called Liberia for over twenty six years from 1944 till his death in 1971. His administration lasted the foremost than the other until currently. He required compiling the country by trying to bridge the wide economic, political, and social issues between the descendants of the initial Yankee ex-slaves and the tribal peoples of the interior. For the first time, Liberia's elite designed relations with leaders within the region and throughout the continent, and also the government distended economic and diplomatic links with Europe. At home, rising gain from iron, timber and rubber enabled Tubman to widen his power base beyond the traditional nation of the ruling True Whig Party. Early Life …show more content…

He was an Americo-Liberian, a descendant of former Yankee slaves who had been returned to Africa under the authority of the Maryland State Colonization Society, a group favoring the manumission of slaves on Christian grounds. His father was a general within the Liberian army and a Speaker of Liberia's House of Representatives, likewise as a Methodist reverand. William Tubman became a lay preacher in his claim and represented Liberia at the Quadrennial Conference of the Methodist Church at Kansas City in 1928. His mother, Elizabeth Tubman, came from Atlanta, Georgia. William attended school in Harper, then the Methodist Cape Palmas Seminary, and at the end Harper County High

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