Who Is The Weak In The Crucible

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Salem had its strengths and weaknesses, like the faults and cracks in the earth. It all slipped through, and darkness overswept the small town. Darkness came in many forms; even the characters who had traits defined who they are. The three main character traits are weakness, courage, and truth. They demonstrate the deeper meaning of the play. Weakness can be shown in ways more than one. For example, Mary Warren concretizes human fear and weakness, In the beginning of The Crucible she is ultimately the weakest within the group of “mean girls”. Another character, Abigial WIlliams takes advantage and manipulates Mary many times. She fell under peer pressure. For example, Abigail pressured Mary into pretending that they see the devil. When John Proctor pushes Mary to confess the girls lied. She tried to convince the judge and then went right back to Abigail and the girls because she was so scared. Weakness is a trait that is a huge roll in the play. The trait shined through Mary, and showed more than others. Honesty is a divine trait to acquire. In the play, Elizabeth Proctor is the living and walking definition of truth. She stayed faithful throughout the hard times. Elizabeth was accused of witchcraft, and she was wrongfully arrested. She never once lied and admitted to …show more content…

John Proctor was a very courageous character in the play. He held true to what he thought was right. He defended his honor and held on to what little he had. He almost lied and admitted to witchcraft to save himself from being hung. He stopped himself and realized he didn’t want to live with his name vain. He did not want to sign a piece of paper, and have it nailed to the church door for everyone to see a liar and a traitor. He hung for his actions, but died in pride. He died right along with 19 people in Salem. They all died with a sense of relief from the heavy burden of being

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