Who Is The Protagonist In The Rogue Wave

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Rogue Wave is Jennifer Donnelly’s sequel to Deep Blue, where Sera’s home Miromara was seized by Traho and his men. She spends most of the novel figuring out how to hide and what’s occurring. Rogue Wave demonstrates her struggle to hide away from anyone, because there’s a bounty on her. Consequently, there are few she can trust to help her on her journey to find Merrow’s talisman, which is necessitated to stop Traho from freeing Abbadon. To clarify, Abaddon is a monster that is incredibly powerful and treacherous due to the fact that it destroyed Atlantis. Sera also encountered the other four merls (Neela being one of them but she was already with her) that were required to save the realms. They all went their separate ways to find their ancestors talismans and developed …show more content…

My reasoning for this connects to my sorrow for her. To elaborate, she has experienced various traumatic events in a short period of time, which seems incredibly unbearable. Therefore, her being able to oppose Traho and find her talisman requires a grand deal of courage and resilience. Her personality and qualities generate an admirable person and it’s unmatched by any of the other characters in the novel. Likewise, she holds the most burden because she was destined to be the regina, thus, they look to her as a leader when chaos ensued. Part of the reason why these traits are remarkable to me is because it provides an example to who you can strive to be. For instance, reading this assisted my comprehension on how to deal with onerous situations because, although she’s a fictional character, it’s possible. Throughout the plot, Serafina represented a sense of hope for the mer people during the takeover and a role model as well for everyone. She portrayed heroism by giving her life and anything necessary to find the talismans to save her people, all these features generated an exceptional protagonist and

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