Who Is The Protagonist In The Great Gatsby

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Jay Gatsby, the protagonist of the novel, who gives his name to be the book title. He is a newly wealthy who comes from the Midwest. The story begins with him as a dreamer who is charming and mysterious. He is the son of an unsuccessful farmer who later estranged himself from the family and transforms himself from James Gatz to Jay Gatsby. After meeting with Daisy Buchanan, everything he does is for the desire of wanting her. He tries any unscrupulous method to gain money because money is an issue that prevents them to be together. As the story continues, it becomes clearer and clearer that all he does is for the purpose of fulfilling his unrealistic dreams. The only desire of him is to reunite with Daisy Buchanan, the love of him five years …show more content…

His every action shows his desire to recapture the past. The obsession becomes obvious through Nick's further description of Gatsby in Chapter 6, “He looked around him wildly, as if the past were lurking(...) He talked a lot about the past, and I gathered that he wanted to recover something, some idea of himself perhaps, that had gone into loving Daisy” (Fitzgerald 110). Gatsby request Daisy to tell Tom that she never loved him because he wants to return to the beautiful moments five years ago. All his hopes and dreams are to go back to Louisville and marry with Daisy. Gatsby's obsession with the return to the past is about the power of control. It's the control over his life and over anything he wants. This control starting to appears when he decides to leave his lower class family. Gatsby's management over his great wealth indicates part of the control over his own life. Even after having great wealth, he's still searching for things to control. His pursuit of Daisy shows his desire for control over love because wanting Daisy is one of his uncomplete dreams. Clearly, Gatsby will achieve all the dreams he has when he is a young man after having Daisy back. Therefore, Gatsby and Daisy are not true

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