Who Is Responsible For The Fall Of Romeo And Juliet

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Throughout the generations, Romeo and Juliet has touched the lives of millions. What makes this story so momentous is the great down fall of the two naive young characters, Romeo and Juliet. However we are still lead to question of how or what caused their down fall. As audiences dive into their perilous love journey we find the answers. In the play, Romeo and Juliet, Juliet’s family, the Capulets, are ultimately responsible for the two inundate lovers demise.
Towards the middle of the play, Tybalt Capulet tries to duel Romeo with the hopes of killing him. Romeo at first refuses, however after he comes back and see’s that Tybalt has killed his friend Mercutio, he fights and kills Tybalt. The Prince afterwards says, “And for that offence immediately we do exile him hence” (Shakespeare Act 3 Scene 2 line 181-182). Because of Tybalt’s exorbitant rage towards Romeo, Romeo is exiled. This eventually starts the plotting for a plan to kill himself based on Juliet’s faked death. …show more content…

She having already been married to Romeo feels it necessary to fake her death in order to escape her family and the city. Her father in a tirade after she expresses her disapproval of a marriage to Paris says, “Hang thee, young baggage! Disobedient wretch! I tell thee what - get thee to church a Thursday or never after look me in the face” (Shakespeare Act 3 Scene 5 Lines 160 - 162). Lord Capulet threatens to disown Juliet if she doesn’t do as he says and marry Paris. This shows that based on his surly attitude towards Juliet's marriage to Paris he starts her looking towards a fake death, and eventually a real, bloody

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