Who Is Responsible For Macbeth's Downfall

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Many bloody and unforgettable actions were performed by Macbeth during his reign, in the play, Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare. Each action, more evil than the previous, caused great turmoil for himself. As the turmoil with Macbeth elevated, so did the likelihood of his demise. Macbeth’s immoral decisions, and his power driven nature, proves that he led to his own demise. Macbeth’s overwhelming desire for power transformed him into an evil king. Macbeth stopped at nothing to get what he wanted. This caused him to gain many enemies, who would later want revenge. In the play, Macbeth wanted to be king of Scotland, and remain king for as long as he could. Macbeth became blinded by power, and his morals quickly disappeared. Harold Bloom, a scholar wrote in an article about Macbeth, “Macbeth is a tragic play about a heroic warrior who falls from grace when he allows himself to be seduced by the promise of boundless power” (Bloom 1). This quote reveals how Macbeth was viewed in the play, through the eyes of a scholar. It proves that Macbeth was blinded by power, and allowed his kind heart to disappear, in order to get what he strived for. …show more content…

Macbeth was Thane of Glamis when the play first started. He was approached by three witches, who told him he would become more. They pronounced him as Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King thereafter. Currently holding the position as Thane of Glamis, Macbeth wished to become more powerful. Shortly after the witches news, Macbeth was named Thane of Cawdor, due to the previous Thane being charged for treason. This filled Macbeth’s mind with the possibility of becoming king. The idea sparked inside of Macbeth, and grew into a fire. Macbeth wanted to become king, and would not stop until he was. The desire to become king, led to his murdering of the current king at the time, Duncan. Which put a large target onto Macbeth’s

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