Who Is Puck In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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A MidSummer Night’s Dream

Love Triangles, magical interference, and quarrels amongst friends and family. “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” written by William Shakespeare has it all. However, in the play it is not evident on just who is the most important character of them all. Is it Helena? The one who betrays her own friend to pursue her own love? Hermia? A rebellious daughter that attempts to run away with her lover from her father’s wishes and gets caught up in magical calamities? Or Bottom? A poor laborer struggling to act in a play and gets loved by the fairy queen Titania? Who is the most important character in the play? The most important character in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is Puck, he is the most important character as he …show more content…

Puck is the one who commences the main climactic struggle of the play and also gives the play it's title. This is confirmed when Puck causes the four Athenians who were present in the forest to go against each other when he gets mixed up with the order given by Oberon in Act 2 Scene 1 to pour the love potion in the eyelids of a young male with Athenian garbs, the young male was supposed to be Demetrius but instead messes up due to Lysander also being a young male with Athenian garbs and drips the potion into Lysander’s eyelids causing him to fall in love with Helena instead of Hermia. This causes a huge problem in Act 3 scene 2 as the 2 males goes against each other for one love and 2 former friends starts blaming each other of trickery and mockery leading to a huge fight. Puck is forced to fix the problem by putting them to sleep and this time using the potion on the right people, he uses magic as so that when they wake up, they feel as if it was all a dream hence giving the play’s title “A Midsummer Night’s DREAM”, if Puck were to be absent there would be a different climactic struggle changing the plot and title. In summary without Puck, the title of the play would be different and the plot having a different climactic struggle would change the plot

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