Who Is Nick Carraway The Protagonist In The Great Gatsby

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Nick Carraway is a character from the book the great Gatsby as well as the story’s narrator. Nick starts in the novel as a very quiet and hidden character and then slowly as the story progresses he starts to come out as a character and shows us all the person he really is and also shows us the role he plays and of its importance. Nick was raised in the west and his family wasn’t too wealthy but had good values such as hard work prevails and to have faith in justice. Nick leaves the east and heads west in search of wealth and overall a better life. What makes nick special is his resistance to caving in to the social influences, nick realizes the mentality and ways of the wealth people from the west and is disgusted he rather caters for them and eventually pulls away from the social crowds such as the backers and the Buchannans. Nick is also different in the sense that he is more down to earth and practical and willing to put the work in, as his family’s morals indicate. Nick is also an important character because he is Gatsby’s right hand man and only friend, …show more content…

Nick links everyone together and has history with most of the main characters, he is Daisy’s cousin and went to college with Tom. Nick is also in the perfect position to elaborate on Gatsby’s life as he in Gatsby’s next door neighbour. Nick is also very unjudgmental and therefore he is a good listener and the descriptions he gives of the events are very descriptive and honest. Nick is also not the only one talking and giving information is the story, if he were the only one people might think he is making stuff up but he’s not, there are other people who tell nick about their emotions and what happened and example is Gatsby and Jordan, that’s why nicks information about Gatsby’s love for daisy is not his opinion, Gatsby told him the information so it proves that nick is and can be a suitable reliable

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