Who Is Jem Brave In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Jeremy “Jem” Finch, the young brother of Scout, is a pivotal character in Lee Harper’s To Kill a Mockingbird. He is an active boy, and he shows his various traits throughout the book. As a daring young man, he accepts and completes every dare shoved at him. Protectiveness, too, is a trait of his, shown in his careful protection of his sister. Afraid sometimes as well, he shows his more tender side when confronted with dedicated adversity. These three traits are only a few of the bubbling pot full of the characteristics that make up Jem. “[Scout] dared [Jem] to jump off the top of the house: “If I got killed, what’d become of you?” he asked.” (14) This passage from the book is one of many that represents Jems determined protectiveness. He has a constant guard put over his family, and furiously defends his father and sister. His fierce sense of fairness, probably created by having Atticus as a father, is evident in the book at places like the court case, interacting with Mrs. Alexandra, and going to school. He even is protective of his honor and reputation, as seen when he eventually takes Dill’s dare, just as he had taken every other dare presented to him. …show more content…

He is afraid of not being able to play football, afraid of losing his father, and even afraid of his father, in a way. He will try his hardest to keep his father’s respect for him, and will protect his name whether it is at Mrs. Alexandra’s house or at school or at court. He is also rather superstitious, as shown when he doesn’t look back after touching the house on Dill’s dare. He is also has a healthy fear of Boo Radley and his uncle, Arthur: “[After recovering his pants from the Radley house] He lay down [in his cot], and for a while I heard his cot trembling.” (64). His various fears slowly piece together a picture of a growing young man who cares for those close to him

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