Who Is Fitzgerald's Personality In The Great Gatsby

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The Great Fitzgerald
Love has a funny way of making people behave. They may be willing to do more in order to get noticed, or they may simply shy away and try to hide. J. Gatsby tried to be noticed through wild parties and unannounced meetings. Appeared to have his whole life together, although he was missing a major part. F. Scott Fitzgerald has a very similar appearance. He received popularity from his writing, but was missing the love of his life. F. Scott Fitzgerald placed himself as Mr. J. Gatsby in his novel, The Great Gatsby, through a celebrity status, through the departure from a university, as well as through a complicated love for a woman.
F. Scott Fitzgerald lived a celebrity status after the success of his novels. His lifestyle was one that truly embraced the economic roar of the 1920’s. It has been noted that Fitzgerald enjoyed extravagant parties, …show more content…

Scott Fitzgerald madly loved and cared about a woman named Zelda. He proposed in marriage to her, but she refused to marry him until was financially stable and of a good social status; this is supported from the quotation, “Unwilling to wait while Fitzgerald succeeded in the advertisement business and unwilling to live on his small salary, Zelda Sayre broke their engagement” (Bruccoli 1). Mr. J. Gatsby also dealt with a similar scenario. This is displayed from the quotation, “Gatsby was stricken by his love for a woman who married a different man. Gatsby is extraordinary for having defeated insurmountable odds for the woman he loves. However, as with his money, by the novel’s end, his relationship with Daisy, too, fails” (Gam 1). Gatsby strived to be successful in order to win the love of a woman. Both Fitzgerald and Gatsby felt as though they were not good enough for their respective women; this is because of Fitzgerald’s placement of himself as his character, J. Gatsby. Fitzgerald was able to establish his relationship with a women through the relationship of his characters J. Gatsby and

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