Who Is Crooks The Loneliest Character In Of Mice And Men

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How would you feel if you were completely cast out and ignored, not being able to talk to anyone? John Steinbeck, who wrote Of Mice and Men writes about many characters who feel a similar feeling of complete aloneness. Out of the decent amount of characters in Of Mice and Men who generally feel alone, Crooks stands out as the most forlorn. Crooks is the loneliest character in Of Mice and Men because he is mostly isolated from his co-workers, and he is discriminated against because of his race, which is african-american. Crooks is definitely the loneliest character in Of Mice and Men because he is almost completely isolated from his co-workers, and only gets one day per year to hang out in the living quarters with the other workers. Crooks says, in chapter 4, "You got no right to come in my room. This here's my room. …show more content…

Crooks has been discriminated because of his skin color his whole life, starting when he was a child, living at a farm with his father, and after he reveals his past, he says on page 37, "There wasn’t another colored family for miles around. And now there ain’t a colored man on this ranch an’ there’s jus’ one family in Soledad." When he says that, you could really tell how lonely he and/or his family was, being that people who were of color were already so hated, and his family was the only one. A couple pages later on page 39, he says “This is just a nigger talkin', an' a busted-back nigger. So it don't mean nothing, see?” What Crooks meant when he said that is that being a ‘nigger’ in that time meant that you had no voice, your words meant nothing to white people. This is why Crooks is the loneliest character in Of Mice and Men; because he is constantly being judged based on his skin color, causing most people to rarely interact with

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