Who Is Charlie Gordon In Flowers For Algernon

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Just imagine being a person with an IQ of only 68 well this is the life that Charlie Gordon lived. In the story “Flowers for Algernon” by Daniel Keyes Charlie Gordon is a 37 year old man with below average intelligence. Charlie struggles with many simple things such as writing, spelling, and creativity. He is willing to try and make himself smarter, but even the adult classes he takes aren’t enough. With all of these variables Charlie gets an operation to make himself smart but, I think if without the operation he life wouldn’t be as good for him as it was after the operation. One interesting fact about Charlie Gordon is that he is determined and when he puts his mind to be smart he would do anything. In result of his determination, he gets an operation which makes it easier to learn and soak up all of the information around him up like a sponge. “Anyway, now I’m getting smarter every day” (Daniel Keyes, 67) this proves that he was getting smarter and that the operation was successful.The operation was a complete success and he ended up being as smart if not smarter than the doctors. Charlie learned several different languages and loads of intelligence on things such as writing and science. In my opinion Charlie gained a lot from the surgery but ended up losing all of it, but even after losing his intelligence he gained so much. …show more content…

Because of this operation, Charlie gained intelligence topping even the doctors and having a greater understanding of everything around him. Another great example is that he could show all of his co-workers at work how much he cared about what they think of him. The final example is the strongest in my opinion because of all the friends he gained in the process. So in conclusion, I think Charlie made the right decision in trying and getting the operation done to make him

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