Who Is Boo Radley Misunderstood

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In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Boo Radley is misunderstood by other characters in the book and by the reader. He is misunderstood because of his secluded lifestyle which leads people to believe that he looks and acts like a monster. Toward the end of the novel, the reader discovers that he is actually just a normal guy that is kind and looks like any other human.
At the beginning of the book, Jem and Dill hypothesize that Boo looks like a monster and believe that he acts like one by peering into women's windows at night based off of ---------- lies. The first thing that people are tricked into believing is that he is mean and insane. They are tricked into believing that he stabbed his dad in the leg with scissors and he peers into windows. Secondly, they say that he looks like a monster by describing him as ----------------. Lastly, they are tricked into believing that he has a savage behavior-------. At the beginning of the novel, the reader and kids are misunderstood on what Boo Radley looks and acts like.
Toward the end of the novel the reader and Scout discover that Boo Radley is not like the monster that the people of Maycomb describe …show more content…

Boo is also important to the work of literature due to him being misunderstood. At the beginning of the novel, the kids, and the reader is brought into believing that Boo looks and acts like a Monster due to the rumors from the townspeople. Toward the end of the novel the reader, Scout and Jem are led to believe that the rumors are not exactly true like when Boo puts the blanket on Scout and when he gives the gifts to the kids via the tree. But at the very end of the novel, Scout, and the reader finds out that Boo isn't a monster and is just a normal guy. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Boo is is a common scapegoat for mishaps in Maycomb and is his intentions are

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