Who Am I By Erik Erickson Analysis

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Who am I? As I individual gets ready to transition into my next journey, I have to realize that I do not know who I am. Once an individual gets relaxed with who she is becoming, it is time for a new journey. When an individual starts a new adventure, the individual finds herself questioning should she try to fit in or dare to stand out. Dr. Seuss states “why fit in if you were born to stand out.” For an individual, when entering a new journey she wants to fit in, and once she feels comfortable that is when she should stand out the most. The poem, Who Am I? By Faigie Rabin, states “I strive so hard to know myself, to discover the “real me.” Numerous young women face encounters to hide who they actually are in fear of judgment and disapproval. …show more content…

Erickson highlights that your ego helps develop your skills, ideas and your attitude through each of his eight stages of development. Erik Erikson says to help the younger generation grow successfully they need to members of society. Each one of Erikson's stage he has put a psychological conflict that will help a child develop into a reasonable adult. He explains, that the first stage, happens from birth to a year and a half old referred to as the Trust v. Mistrust. Throughout this stage, the infant is uncertain about the world they live in. The infant will look at their primary caregivers for the consistent stability and care. Success in this stage will lead to the benefit of hope. Failing to succeed in the virtue of having hope will often lead to …show more content…

Inferiority during the ages of five through twelve, develops the skills of self-awareness. Throughout this stage, the child’s peer group is highly important in giving the child approval. This helps the child gain a sense of pride and helps build confidence throughout their accomplishments. Inferiority will kick in when a child feel they cannot develop a specific skill that most children can do. Identity vs. Identity confusion is called the fifth stage of the human development. This happens around the ages of eleven through eighteen. During this stage, is when preteens and teens start to question about personal identity, through personal values, beliefs, and goals? This is when teens and young adults start to become more independent and start to look at their future, such as career, relationships, families, and housing. Individuals want to fit into

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