White Girl Stereotypes

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The second you take a step into starbucks with your matching Victoria Secret sweater and sweatpants, people turn your direction, assuming that you are such a “white” girl. Of course, you have to order the best drink for fall, a PSL (pumpkin spice latte), just like every other “white girl”. Soon after, you take a picture of your drink and post it on instagram. Even on instagram, people will comment on your pictures, #whitegirl. When people started commenting these things, the white girl thought that maybe she really was a “white girl.”

Stereotypes are relatively fixed, overgeneralized attitudes and behaviors that are considered normal and appropriate for a person in a culture based on race, gender, and religion.They are assumptions that people make about the characteristics of all members of a group, based on an image about what people in …show more content…

There are 2 different types of stereotypes, positive and negative. When people are in negative situations for which a negative stereotype about their identity is brought up, that person knows they are probably going to be judged about their identity. Some constrain our behavior down on the ground like having restricted access to a public mall. Others, influence us more subtly by putting threats in the air. There are also positive stereotypes. One example of a positive stereotype for a white girl is snotty rich kid. When you are a white girl, people tend to call you snotty rich and they think that is a compliment or a joke when it really isn’t to you. When people call you those names, it makes you feel like a stuck up, rude, obnoxious person. Positive stereotypes are assumptions made about an entire group or identity that are considered to be good. Positive stereotypes seem to be just as damaging as the negative ones. They can be depressing to individuals who are supposed to possess them, but don’t. You often feel alone, looked down upon, or not good

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