Whistleblowing: Unethical Practices In The Workplace

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Currently, whistleblowers are exposing unethical practices within companies in hopes to create a better work environment. While this is known to be true, others believe that whistleblowers are taking action solely for the monetary rewards and recognition for this exposure. While there is no answer to whether whistleblowers are heroes or snitches, there are many cases that support these two-sided beliefs.
Whistleblowers are often viewed as heroes of the business world, due to the exposure to the public of unethical practices within companies. While whistleblowing has a bad reputation, it is often encouraged in the work place, due to its benefits. These benefits include, fraud detection, workplace safety, and protecting the workforce as a whole. Along with that, whistleblowing stands as early detections of fraud, or misconduct, within a company, therefor causing an early investigation before these unethical practices spread. …show more content…

While working at a Tyson Food plant, she found difficulty protecting consumers when she began to experience weary symptoms, such as infections and respiratory issues, after only a month of being employed. These symptoms negatively affected her quality of life, later causing the development of asthma and organ damage from continuous coughing. As a result, Sherry left on disability and later received no help from the company, causing her to create a petition in efforts to stop the use of these chemicals and protect workers health. Currently Sherry is seen as a hero whistleblower, due to inspiring others to speak up when there are health related risks that are not being acknowledged in the

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