Where Sin Abounded, Grace Did Much More Abound

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…”where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” Romans 5:20

As a young Christian, I heard repeated many times the words of Paul the apostle, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast." Eph. 2:8-9. I believed I understood well enough the meaning of grace; God 's willingness to forgive and forget. And the context I was hearing it in was typically referring to either the salvation of the unbeliever, or rest and comfort for the sin wearied soul of the believer. While these are portions of it 's definition, the description I was hearing was skewed, as it presented grace and mercy as being synonymous. Typically, reference to the mercy seat (the lid over the ark of the covenant, where blood was sprinkled on the annual day of atonement), and the atoning blood of Christ were intertwined with grace, creating a picture of a completed work for the sake of those who would believe. That sounds great! In fact, it is great, it 's just not complete. But as I understood it, these two terms - mercy and grace, both meant God was willing to overlook my sin as a result of the shed blood of Christ. In His mercy, God chooses to overlook our past and allow us to remain in his favor. Thy mercies, oh Lord, are new every morning!
The Amplified Bible defines grace as: God 's unmerited favor. Romans 5:8, …For while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. And in addition, we have been given the gift of faith, whereby we trust that the redemptive blood (the sacrifice made in the body of his son) has made us acceptable to The Father. What incredible favor! In our humble state of recognizing our sinful condition, we bow before our mercif...

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...both to will and to do of his good pleasure." If my life doesn 't reflect the life of the Spirit, then despite claiming the blood for forgiveness, I may still be continuing in willful sin. But when we recognize our sinful condition and desire to be free, grace abounds and the result will be a notable change in our behavior and attitude toward sin.

The flesh is our weakness, it is the true enemly and detriment to abundant life in the Spirit. But yet in our weakness, grace provides hope for a cure! This is where the life of God reaches within you. He will become the strength you have lacked, the resolve you have wished for, and the means by which, the chains of sin that have bound you are broken and fall away. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, Amen.

Next: recognizing the enemy within. The rebellion against an unworthy God.

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