Where I See Myself by the Time I am Thirty

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I intend to be successful, but the question I will ask myself, is how?

My answer to that would be hard work and dedication, something I need

to understand as I’m taking it a bit easy at the moment. This is how I

plan my life to be up to the age of 30.

My first ambition is to get good qualifications at GCSE level, by

passing 8 GCSE’s at a B level+. I then want to go onto Oxford College

and study, A-level Business Studies, A-level Physics, AS-level Maths,

and GNVQ Spanish, as I was deprived of learning Spanish at Esher High

School, for the reason that I didn’t like learning French. I hope to

pass all of these qualifications at C+. As soon as I’m 17 I want to

learn to drive, within two months of my seventeenth birthday I plan to

be on the road with a full driving license, and have my own Vauxhall

Corsa as my set of wheels. Once I finish college my intentions are not

to go to university, as my feelings are that I don’t want to waste

another 3 years in education, when I can be earning money to fund

myself for my ambition.

Up to the age of 21 I shall still be living with my parents, but I

will be in full time work, doing an office job or something boring

like that. From the age of 21-22 I would like to do a bit of

travelling to some of my favourite cities and countries, such as,

Barbados, New York, the Maldives, the French Alps and Brazil. At age

of 23 I propose to set up my dream career of being a Commercial

Airline Pilot, by either obtaining sponsorship from British Airways,

or more likely, funding myself (My Parents) for the full £65,000 fee,

of getting myself trained to be an airline Pilot by Oxford aviation.

By the age of 25 I want to have passed my training at Oxford Aviation,

and hopefully would’ve set up my career in the Pilots industry, by

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