When Was The Water Clock Invented Around The Year 325 BC By Ctesibus

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The water clock was invented around the year 325 BC by Ctesibus. It was invented because sundials were the only way to tell time and they only worked when there was sunlight. The water clock provided a way to tell the time when there was no sunlight.
The water clock was mainly developed for legal use like in courtrooms. It was used to time lawyers and witnesses’ speeches and when the water had run out, the speaker had run out of time. There are two types of water clocks. One is a bowl-like vessel that has a hole in the bottom, pointing to another similar vessel that caught the water. It had markings down the side and when it reached each marking it meant it was a new hour. The second water clock was similar except it had water flowing into …show more content…

A bowl shape so that the water doesn’t spill as easy. Markings on the side so that you can tell what the time is. There is another bowl on the bottom to catch the water, so it can be reused. Has multiple markings so it can measure more than one hour, so you don’t have to refill it every hour.
The water clock had a big impact on the people at the time. Some of the main impacts are: It made the concept of time, and was a more efficient way to keep time. The citizens could track time, so they knew when the markets were starting, what time court cases started, what time they needed to be at the trade centres and lots more. Without the water clock an hour could have been interpreted into many hours. After it was developed it had an impact on lots of other civilisations. Some of them adapted it and tried to make its technology better, whereas others just used them in daily life.
The water clock has changed a bit over time, however only a few modern day versions are left today. French scientist Bernard Gitton started making his “Time-Flow Clocks, which are a modern-day approach to the ancient version. It uses 265 litres of water, methyl alcohol and food colouring to give the visitors the time of day. You can also get eco-friendly water-powered clocks. all you have to do with them is fill the tank up with tap water and it will run on its own for eight to twelve

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