When It's Not Use To People By Jason Mark

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In Does a Place Still Have Value When It’s Not Use to People the author Jason Mark, writes about how nature is taken over by man. Beginning his article, he talks about how the peaceful noises that make nature peaceful are overpowered by mans machines. These being background to his journey to find a place untouched by the noises and destruction of man, article talks about how in order to find a place untouched by man one must go to great lengths to find it, as is his journey. Once it has been found there are many parts of nature that go unnoticed that will continue to be but just because they are unnoticed does not lessen their value to nature or make them any less beautiful. Mark ends his article by talking about how man is ending multiple species on earth and how his peaceful oasis will no longer be full of the natural beauty that it once held. Mark overall discussing how there is natural beauty that will go unnoticed yet that doesn’t take away from the beauty of it. …show more content…

He connects well with his audience by beginning with the sound that is very familiar, the sound of jet engines. Continuing he takes the audience on his journey to find a place which is untouched by the noise of man. Throughout his article he uses evidence to demonstrate how the audience can hear electronic, engines, and noises that are not natural to mother earth throughout the day. Yet Mark points this out in such a way that the audience becomes aware of it but he doesn’t put the blame on the audience. The intended audience of Mark is those who love nature and those care for the environment, such as hikers, nature photographers, and

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