When I Came To Ecuador Essay

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Many people who come to the United States have different reasons for coming here. One of those many reasons that lead people to come to this country is having the opportunity to find employment. Which lead a lot of people to migrate to the United States. This includes my parents, who came to this country as undocumented immigrants, to have a better life and provide money for their family who lived in Ecuador. While living in this country, they haven’t forgotten where they were born and how they were raised in their culture. That’s why ever since I was little, my brothers and I grew up surrounded by our heritage, and the traditional Ecuadorian music, dances and food. When I was really young, I remember my parents always putting on Ecuadorian music. Since me …show more content…

In time, I have learned the name of these dishes that I was served since I was a little girl, and that the food that my parents were given us, were also given to them by their parents when they were little. Some of the dishes that I had is “Arroz con Cuy”, this translates to rice with guinea pig. This dish is really popular in Cuenca, Ecuador, which is where my parents were born. It is served with a portion of rice, lettuce, potatoes, and the guinea pig. When I use to eat it, I remember being messy because you need to eat it with your hands it’s like eating a piece of chicken. Also, another popular dish that is served in Ecuador, till today, is “Ceviche”. Ceviche is almost like a soup that includes shrimp and types of fish. When you first try it, it will taste sour since there is lemon juice. It also tastes better when you put dry roasted Andean corn in the soup this makes the soup more crunchy and salty. Over the years that my mom has made these dishes, I have learned to cook them myself and now I can serve it to my mom when it’s time for

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