What do you think is the most serious problem facing the Bahamas today?

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Currently, our Bahamian nation suffers greatly from the insufferable influx of illegal immigrants, for as to quote the Bahamian song “They coming by boat, they coming by plane, some coming in wheelchair and walking with cane." For too long, our Bahamian people have improperly viewed illegal immigration as a problem of minority when it stands most serious than any other experiencing problems. Invading our territorial boundaries, the fleeing citizens of our neighboring countries ,Jamaica, Cuba and Haiti all contribute to the draining of our social services, increase of job unemployment, overuse of hospital benefits and in some serious cases the increase of our electricity bills. For many immigrants, especially Haitians, the Bahamas acts as a gateway to a better life and/or a passageway to America. We are considered the island of paradise, but how can we maintain this title, our identity, when there are people risking their lives while affecting ours simply to share it? Once the obstacle of getting here is overcome there is no stopping them or what they’ll do to stay here and prosp...

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