What Would You Say Was Your Greatest Talent Or Skill?

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1. What would you say was your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent overtime? This has always been a sore subject for me, for the longest time I beat myself up because I couldn’t find anything that I was slightly better at than my peers. I would try new things on occasion to try and discover what I was good at. Eventually I came to the conclusion that I was as average as they came, I wasn’t exceptional at anything I did, and this was a devastating blow to my fourteen-year-old self. A few years ago I developed an interest in reading, mostly fictional books, but a new interest nonetheless. I started checking out books from my high school’s library, every single day and eventually I realized that I read …show more content…

Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement? Not to sound supercilious but I feel like I have had to answer this question a number of times, I just never seem to have the right answer. But what comes to mind as the greatest challenge I have had to face is a particularly difficult class I took a year ago. When I say difficult I don’t mean the subject matter of the class rather I mean the interactive part of the class. This class pushed me to my limits, am not a loner nor am I a social butterfly, but I had to get rid of my inhibitions if I wanted a good grade in the class. It helped me break out of my shell, I had to learn to interact with virtual strangers and make a good impression while doing so. But the most challenging aspect of the class was writing a reflection essay that included what you felt during an assignment and your impressions on the people you met, this difficult for me because I am not one who expresses emotion well and being able to tell what a person is feeling is not my forte. I am proud to say though that after a few ups, downs and roundabouts I was finally able to put on paper what I felt on the inside. long after the class was over I realized how useful the ability to write down what you feel is, it makes you connect better with your audience and makes the audience feel like they are reading about a person they can …show more content…

Describe your favorite academic subject and explain how it has influenced you? I’ve always been a history “buff” so to say. Anything pertaining to history has always held an interest to me, it sounds strange and a bit deranged, but reading about past bloody wars and the leaders who partook in them has always been quite fascinating to me. I love looking at characters of the past and digging into their personal lives just to see what held their interest, how they went about their daily lives and their outlook on their societies. I’ve always thought that our past defines who we will be in the future, of course this is not always the case for everyone, but generally speaking it’s an occurrence in most individuals. History has had an influence in me in that, am more aware of the world beyond the country I live in, it’s made me develop an interest in foreign culture and language which is useful as the world becomes more and more diverse and its helped me attain diverse opinions on a multitude of

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