What Would A Taoist Say About Dukkha And Tanha?

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Tiffany Stout
Student Id: U00991610
Email: u.r.updated@gmail.com

THE QUESTION: Enlightenment in Taoism has been said to consist in “finding the Tao” or in “living in harmony with the Tao.” Explain as carefully as possible what the Tao is and how one comes to find (and live in harmony with) it. Include in your answer a thorough discussion of the following three principles: stillness complementarity (yin/yang) spontaneity (wu wei). The formal definition of Tao in Chinese philosophy is “the absolute principle underlying the universe, combining within itself the principles of yin and yang and signifying the way, or code of behavior, that is in harmony with the natural order. The interpretation of Tao in the Tao-te-Ching developed into …show more content…

What is Tahna – desires, cravings, sensual cravings, craving for existence and craving for non-existence. The thirst or longing for desires either mentally or physically. In Buddhism is said that Tahna is the cause of Dukkha. What would a Taoist say about Dukkha and Tanha? Since Taoism interacts with the world and believes in complementarity, where two principles cannot exist without the other I think that a Taoist would agree with Buddhism. If Dukkha is life’s suffering and Tahna is life’s desires then you cannot have one without the other. I don’t think it is possible to suffer without having one of life’s desires right there behind it or in front of it. For example, you want to live a long life, and have an impacting existence. Yet right behind those desires comes the trailing reality that you will get old, the possibility of getting an illness and then eventually dying either due to old age or due to the illness. With the illness, you could be stuck with it for the rest of your life and must deal with it, living with what you hate. So, in a sense this is the same as complementarity - believing this way helps us navigate and stay in tune with the Tao it frees us from being tied to one or the other Harmony or Disharmony. It’s like when volcano destroys the land but makes the soil more fertile. Life …show more content…

I believe that Taoism is the more sympathetic religion of Buddhism and Taoism. The reason I believe this is because I am more drawn to Taoism. Taoism is easier for me to understand and I think that I can relate a little better to the principles of its teachings. My mind cannot fully comprehend the Buddhist thinking of extinguishing the self and renunciation of the material world. I would like to think that I not a “materialistic” person and that I could live “without”. However, just recently a quick trip to Pocatello, Idaho gave me a different perspective and realization of how I think. We went for the Idaho State boxing tournament and our room was being taken care of by the Idaho Stave Golden Gloves Committee because we were there to help officiate. Well let’s just say the hotel they put us up in from the outside I knew was not a place that myself or my fiancé would choose. Once we got to our room I knew for sure it wasn’t. I am not a prideful person but this place was dive. So, I like a clean bed, clean sheets, nice smelling room, clean carpet, etc. I could not live without some of those nicer things. I love my family. I am a grandma and I love being a grandma. I could never extinguish the attachment I have for my daughter and my grand-daughter. I love my fiancé and the life we have and the time we spend together. If my understanding of obtaining Nirvana is correct there is no way I

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