What We Have Lost and Gained Through The Establishement of the Internet

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With the advancement of technology and the introduction of the internet much has been gained and also lost from its establishment. Since the mid 1990’s the internet has been bringing us together and allowing ideas to arise to the occasion and be acted on as they were meant to be discovered. With the advancement of technology it has allowed us to connect in unimaginable ways. The advancement specifically in regards to the internet has certainly made our lives easier and in a way allowed us to be lazier. While looking at the bigger picture, the internet has advanced the human population in great ways. However, as you peel back the good the internet has done you see all that it has done to disable us.
Currently in my home I have a number of electronic devices with data capabilities such as a nook, tablet, laptop, iPod, Garmin and the newest cell phone, yet I still want more to have the latest and greatest. It sounds absurd the amount of electronics we have and to what is their purpose? On each of the devices listed they in some way enable us to be connected; connected to a book, or a large span of information, otherwise known as the internet, and most important we have people at a fingertips length. What happened to using a map to find directions or reading a book for leisure, or to learn about new knowledge? Having the internet readily available has made us forget about the simple things that I for one take for granted. I cannot remember the last time had to look for a book in the library that I haven’t been able to just download online. It wasn’t until recently that I took reading from the screen to paper. After reading The Shallows by Nicholas Carr he stated the words I wanted to avoid. I was lazy and I was the typical American...

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...things are moving more and more online. In ¾ of my classes the majority of the homework and quizzes are being of done online and during my last term one of my instructors predicted that the schools will begin to have more and more online classes as it less costly. While digitalizing has made our lives easier and is a better resource we may be taking it too far in the years to come.
The internet has advanced our lives, while disabling it at the same time. We will continue to see new advancements and be in awe by them, but an important thing we need to be reminded of is not to let the internet and technology run our lives. Becoming so dependent will kick us hard if there comes a time when we don’t have the resource to use technology and knowing how to do something perhaps the “old fashioned” way isn’t such a bad thing. Let yourself run the internet and not run you.

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