What Was Hammurabi's Law Fair?

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If someone stabbed you in the eye, is it right for them to have their eye stabbed out? Hammurabi was a king in 1800 BCE. He made over 282 laws. We will discuss the question in the next few paragraphs, along with some other laws. We will also discuss the question. Hammurabi’s code, was it just? You're probably wondering what just means, well it means “Fair” was his law fair? We will answer that along the way. I believe that Hammurabi’s laws were fair. I will spend the next few paragraphs discussing laws and tell you why I think they are fair. Justice of Hammurabi’s Code is first seen in family law. In law 148(Doc C) is if a wife gets sick and is about to die the man can remarry, but has to take care of his sick wife until she died.

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