What The Matrix Of Privilege And Oppression?

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The way I have come to understand what the Matrix of Privilege and Oppression means, is that everyone everywhere feels both privilege and oppression at the same time, and how much they feel of it depends on where they are on the scale of oppression and what position in society that they are in. This could mean that a Black man whom is judged by his skin color every day and it heavily oppressed in many ways, ends up getting into a college over a white man because of the school wanting to be a more diverse campus. The white man does not get judged by his skin color on a regular basis, but it did not work out well for him while applying to schools. Ida B. Wells-Barnett and Anna Julia Cooper were sociologists who were innovators on this topic. They explained that sociologists and others such as government, need to start listening to the minority groups or the under privileged about topics because they see the world differently than those who are privileged. An example of this could be seen in how non-Latino white Americans are more likely to not believe racism is still a problem, even though Black people feel too uncomfortable to move outside of their segregated areas, such as in Milwaukee (John Eligon and Robert Gebeloff 2016). If people would listen to the minority in this situation, they would …show more content…

She believed in Standpoint Epistemology, a term to explain how people can have multiple viewpoints of the world based on what groups they fit into. In the article ‘Racial Divisions Challenge Gay Rights Movement’ we get a glimpse of what this is like for people when Jasmyne Cannick asks, “’I 'm black and I 'm also a lesbian, so, I mean, what side am I supposed to be on?’”(Karen Bates 2008). Being a lesbian during Proposition 8 she was excited for the possibility of legal marriage for gay couples, but being black she was raised, and her friends and family whom are black, are homophobic so the appose gays

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