What Society is Depicted on Today

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Society- an organized group of persons associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic, or other purposes. Too many people have had their minds fixed on the ideas that the perfect women should be a “lady” embodying the image of a Barbie, the only known flawless character known to our human species or the ideal man should have to live up to the unachievable expectations of every females dream of being 6’7 with an abdominal structure of a firefighter and a P.H.D in law. These expectations are extremely high and are impossible to obtain. Living in a materialistic environment influences children to adapt to trends and sudden changes to make themselves appear more passable for the people around them. The children of our generation have been infected with a disease called insecurity. TV shows and music videos have made the wrong idea of what people should look like and act like. The world should create better influences, end all violence, and have better places to live for the children of the future. First, the world should create better influences. Most teens use their role models to guide them through situations in life. Teens are mostly influenced by commercials, celebrities, and magazines. When kids watch TV, someone will indorse a new trend and change their follower’s perspective on what they were taught was wrong because their favorite actor did so. If the youth’s inspirations did not make negative decisions then their supporters wouldn’t make choices that change their lives drastically. Since the younger generations don’t understand much about the real world they look toward guidance from others older, that live the life that they want to live, so they can live up to those standards and... ... middle of paper ... ...ignorant decisions. If society wasn’t demanding on others to keep up with the different trends and the way people should act people, they would just help and not even think twice about our future. It’s an effortless, but drastic change that would be made if everyone could just pitch in, instead of being seduced by society’s idiotic aspect. Everybody has the chance to make change they just need the volition to get through it. Clearly, the world should have better places to live for the children of the future. In Conclusion, The world should create better influences, end all violence, and have better places to live for the children of the future. If the world could change its ways and begin to make better choices instead of continuing the repetitive cycle of terrible judgment than the world could be a much more safer place. Change the aberration of everyone’s actions.

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