What Role Does Nature Or Nurture Play In Shaping A Person's Personality

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There has been a large debate for decades over whether nature or nurture plays a greater role in shaping a person's personality. Nature refers to a person's genetic makeup while nurture refers to the environment that the person lives in. While nature plays a large role in a person's physical attributes, nurture provides an even greater role in creating a person's personality. Nurture has the ability to affect a person's physical, emotional, and social health rather than just their genetic makeup. Nurture is capable of shaping someone's personality through their physical health. Since nurture refers to environment, a person is able to catch an illness from where they are. If someone is sick, they tend to act different compared to if they were healthy. Nurture also can help a person's personality through physical fitness. If a child is in an environment where physical fitness and eating right are essentials, it can help prevent the child from developing obesity or diabetes, causing them to have a more joyful personality. Due to cultural norms, nurture is able to help a person feel confident and proud of who they are by those that are surrounding them. Cultural norms can easily change how a person may look at themselves, either negatively or positively, …show more content…

If a child was raised in an environment that was negative and unsafe, the person may grow up to have a more angry and violent personality. If a child was raised in a positive environment, chances are that they will have a happier personality. Nurture can also refer to the people involved in an individual's life. People tend to have happier and more caring personalities if they are surrounded by people who care for them and give them compliments. A person's personality could be affected by stress as well. Stress may leave a lasting result on one's personality by making the person seem worn down or

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