What Role Does Macduff Play In Macbeth

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Macduff plays a very important role in MacBeth. MacDuff was a nobleman who was very loyal to King Duncan. After the murder MacDuff, is the first to discover King Duncan’s body, while in shock he says “O horror, horror, horror! Tongue nor heart
Cannot conceive nor name thee!”. In Act 4, scene 3 MacDuff’s wife and child get murdered. MacDuff refers to his family as “Pretty chickens” and when Macbeth has them murdered he swears revenge on Macbeth. MacDuff is the man who brings Macbeth’s tyranny to an end. MacDuff fled to England and met with the son of Duncan, Malcolm. From there he and Malcolm led the assault to MacBeth's castle to end his reign of terror. The three witches foretold Macbeth can only be killed by a man “Born not from a woman”.

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