What Role Did Women Play In The Cuban Revolution

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THE REVOLUTIONARY ROLE OF WOMEN IN CUBA Morgan Philhower World History since 1500 November 2017 Introduction Throughout the Cuban Revolution women made significant strides towards gender equality. Cuban women had been confined in constricting gender roles of Hispanic tradition. Feminist group and activists began to take action in many non-traditional activities. Women broke tradition by leaving the home and joining in revolutionary movements. The struggle for women’s equality in Cuban society is referred to as “Revolution within a Revolution” due to the many revolutionary changes for women that were brought about during the Cuban Revolution. Under Cuba’s new government women attained their right to an education, the ability to have a job outside of the home, child care was available, and women gained access to birth control. The …show more content…

Of the volunteers a large amount were women. The revolution broke barriers for both men and women. Women took on significant roles in the Cuban Revolution. Middle and upper-class women used their skills to write, organize, and network in support of Castro’s movement. Thousands of women of all stations were soon part of the movement. They joined in the fight of the guerilla movement as well as taking on leadership roles in it. Women proved that they were a necessary force in the revolution and could accomplish any task that the men were doing. Due to the perspective that females are fragile men doubted their abilities, but the Cuban women proved them wrong. Women carried out manual tasks such as transmitting messages, supplies, and firearms. In addition, they also undertook “feminine” work throughout the revolution by cooking meals for the rebels, sewing their uniforms, and taking care of sick or wounded soldiers. Cuban women took on all of these roles challenging traditional

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