What Role Did Chariot Play In The Olympic Games

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The Olympic Games have been around for many centuries. They are interesting and thrilling to watch. However they're have been many changes since the first ever Olympic Games. For example, in passage 1 paragraph 1, it states that the Olympics actually started of with only a couple of sports, like running, long jump, shot put, javelin, discuss, wrestling, boxing, pankration, and equestrian competitions. What seemed to be the most eye catching, were the horse and chariot races, which took place in Hippodrome. All the events went in order. First came the four-horse chariot race, then a race of fully-grown horses, a two-mule chariot race, a race for mares, a two-horse chariot race, and lastly a chariot race for foals. The chariot races lasted 12 laps around Hippodrome and the horse races lasted 6 laps. According to paragraph 3, only men were permitted to participate. the men were naked when they competed. Married women were forbidden to even attend the Games. However, a woman could take part as the owner of a chariot, but had to let a man drive it. In today's Olympic Games, there are no longer and chariot racing events. …show more content…

On passage 2 paragraph 8, those who wished to compete in the Olympic Games were required to qualify and have their names inscribed in lists. They had to train in their country for at least 10 months in advance of the games. Most athletes start training for childhood. there were also three categories of trainers. The "Paidotribai" trained athletes with physical exercise, the "Gymnastai" trained them with athletes exercise, and the "Aleiptai" massaged the athletes' muscles using Olive Oil. It helped keep skin smooth and improve the appearance of the participants. Two days before the Games began, the athletes and competition judges marched in a procession from the city of Elis to Olympia, where the Games were

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