What Makes George Washington A Good President

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George Washington was the first president of the United States of America. He lead

the continental army during the revolutionary war. George Washington was a very loved and

famous man. He was also a very trustworthy person, which is one of the reasons why he got

elected as president.

George Washington had a father named Augustine Washington and a mother named

Mary Ball Washington. George Washington was homeschooled until the age of 16. He was

also a great soldier and was admired because of that. He served in the military for a long

time and lead several military campaigns. A lot of people would even consider him as the

father of America. In the year 1752, George Washington’s brother and niece died. In result …show more content…

When people elected him he

excepted for them knowing that they needed someone strong and intelligent to lead them.

George Washington tried his best to help his citizens as much as he could. He also knew

how to beat the british in the revolutionary war and waited for the right moment to attack.

George Washington served as president for two years straight helping people and helping

his country. After his second term was over, George Washington surprised everyone and

voluntarily retired from office. No one ever thought that he was going to do that.

After George Washington’s presidency, he only lived for two years. He spent the rest of

his days trying to make Mount Vernon function. President Adams told Washington that he

would be named commander of the American Army. Washington had to kindly refuse the

offer because he was getting too old and was starting to show it. On December 12, 1799

George Washington spent five hours outside on his horse in the cold snow. He started to

complain of sore throat and on that same night became very sick. Doctors did many tests

on George Washington but instead of making him better and helping him get well,

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