What It Means To Be Grateful By Albert Einstein

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8. Be Grateful "A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving." This is one of my favorite Albert Einstein quotes because it shows how grateful he really was. I truly believe that everyone who is grateful receives greatness in life, and this quote stands behind my belief. Everything you do today is possible because of other people. People have given their life, time, energy, money, sweat, tears, and love so that you can read this article right now, have clean water, have freedom, have the ability to learn whatever you want, and have rights that help you shape the …show more content…

Why? Because when you change, you have to move outside of your comfort zone. You have to gather new experience and learn new things, and that makes you a smarter and more well-rounded human. The people who resist change can't develop new skills, new insights, and new beliefs in their life. They stay stuck while the people changing grow and become more knowledgeable about their life and other people's lives too. 14. Create Boundaries In Life "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." A lot of people think that geniuses lack a sense of judgement, but the truth is that they are just willing to push things a little harder than others. They are willing to try new things, within reason. They are willing to look at things differently, as long as there is a reason to look at it that way. However, they do have boundaries in place where they will not do stuff that will harm themselves or others in the process. Without boundaries, it can be really easy to do stupid things. You may feel like you are showing the world how genius you are, but in reality you are just putting your happiness, health, or sanity at risk. 15. Stop Doing What Doesn't

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