What Is Troy's Fatal Flaw

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To me, there is nothing admirable about Troy, he is very hypocritical and cunning throughout the whole play. However, others might respect Troy for his hard-working nature and dominance over his family. In addition, these attributes could also be frustrating and annoying to other readers. Troy carries a lot of flaws on his shoulders. Yet, he is very oblivious towards them. Troy can be seen with too much pride that he truly does not deserve. Let’s not forget the fact that he cheated on his wife and had a baby with the women he had an affair with. Lastly, Troy struggles with stubbornness that is described as his “fatal flaw.” Troy is definitely seen being very self-centered and stubborn throughout the whole story. Troy ultimately beliefs everyone and everything should be centered around him. Not to mention he fails to …show more content…

Even though it is clearly shown everyone close the Troy proves to be loyal towards him, Troy can not seem to grasp likewise manner. Troy chose to ignore all of Bono’s tips and advice, which ultimately caused waves and tears in their friendship. Troy’s behavior seems to rub off on his son Lyons. Lyons is as stubborn as Troy. Lyons is seen coming to Troy’s house often to ask for money. Lyons is also illustrated to be lazy. Always saying he is going to pursue a career in music, yet he does not even try. Cory is his very ambitious and talented son who is very skilled at football. However, Troy discourages and ruins his scholarship opportunity, using the excuse that sports do not accept black athletes. In my opinion, Troy mainly discourages him because Troy could never live out his dream of being a star athlete. He carries the “If I can’t have it, nobody can” attitude. In Fences, Troy cheats on his wife with another woman, ultimately having a child with the woman he had an affair with. However, Rose’s compassion towards children led to her taking care of the baby after Alberta dies during child

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