What Is The Theme Of The Perfect Match

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In the story the “Perfect Match” by Ken Liu, the main character Sai blindly follows orders from his “assistant,” Tilly. This story takes the reader through a series of unfortunate events that affect Sai’s personal and love life. The elaboration is which author Liu explains Tilly's part in Sai’s downfall adds to the participation in which Tilly makes Sai’s experiences a huge transitions. The theme mentioned by Liu in the “Perfect Match” is that, voluntarily following what others are doing or what others say is not always the key. Thinking for yourself and following your inner feeling is best even if you don't believe so. Tilly messed with Sai’s life and told him what to do to have a “perfect” life but little did Sai know that because of this he didn’t have good background knowledge about his personal life.

Voluntarily following what others are doing or what others tell you to do is not always the best option. Sai, the main character in the …show more content…

Having someone manage your emotions and the way you react to situations is what reflects on your personal life. The idea of having someone be basically your manager is not something you want nor is it something you enjoy if you are in this situation. If following your heart means that you listen to your inner conscience, then following your heart is a response showing that you are responsible and you know when you're doing something right or wrong. Tilly bosses Sai around, and he is growing to dislike it and finds himself not capable or completing any task asked of him. Liu states that “Tilly doesn't just tell you what you want, she tells you what to think” (56). Showing that Tilly doesn't allow you to do what you want or what you think is right and takes over your emotions, giving Sai a negatively charged

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