What Is The Theme In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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The movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest was released in 1975 and based off of the novel of the same name which was published in 1962. Not only was it the 1975 Academy Award winner for Best Picture and inducted into the National Film Registry list in 1993, but it is also number 33 on the American Film Institute’s 100 Best Films list. It is said to be one of the greatest films of all time. There are a handful of characters that the viewer gets to know, but only one protagonist, Randall P. McMurphy, and one antagonist, Nurse Ratched. The film makes it very clear that it is “right vs. wrong” and “us vs. them” by showing the patients as one way and the nurses and staff as another. The ward is meant to be seen as a democracy, but one can easily …show more content…

There were many riots, rallies, and Supreme Court cases regarding segregation during this time. This is also seen in the film because there is a clear segregation between the nurses and the patients (Janken). This is shown numerous times within the film such as when McMurphy is in the Nurses’ Station and one of the nurses is visibly frightened upon noticing him. It is also noticed when McMurphy asks Nurse Ratched to turn down the music and when she refuses, he goes into the Nurses’ Station himself and turns it down. One can see that the nurses are not used to the patients showing any kind of contempt towards the rules or the set routine that all the other patients are accustomed to. One of the final attempts at showing segregation in the film, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, is when one of McMurphy’s fellow patients is shouting about not having his cigarettes and that he wants something done about it so McMurphy himself smashes through the glass window separating the nurses from the patients to grab a carton of cigarettes. Along with the segregation between the nurses and the patients, there is also segregation between the nurses and other members of the staff. In the movie, one can see that all the nurses are female and the other members of the staff, such as the attendants and the janitors, are black men. During the time that this movie takes place, the Civil Rights movement was very predominant in the United States. In fact, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and the Supreme Court Case Brown v. Board of Education were all being publicized at the time that One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is set (Janken). We see McMurphy breaking the segregation barriers once again as he gets the black staff to play basketball with him and some of the other patients during their allotted free time. Just like

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