What Is The Story Of 'Unaccustomed Earth' By Jhumpa Lahiri

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Jhumpa Lahiri is an Indian-American author, born on July 11th, 1967 in London. She was brought up in Rhode Island, as the daughter of Indian immigrants, who were basically from the state of West Bengal. Lahiri completed multiple degrees from Boston University: an M.A. in Comparative Literature, M.F.A. in Creative Writing, M.A. in English, and a Ph.D. in Renaissance Studies. She also took a fellowship, which lasted for the next two years (1997–1998), at Provincetown's Fine Arts Work Center. Jhumpa Lahiri spent most of her life traveling between different countries and different cultures. Even though she was born in London and raised in Rhode Island, she visits Calcutta regularly with her family, often for months at a time. She is the author of two short story collections such as “Interpreter of Maladies” (1999) and “Unaccustomed Earth” (2008). She has also published two novels: “The Namesake (2003)” and “The Lowland (2013)”. Neither a tourist nor a native, her attachment …show more content…

Let’s take an example in the “The Third and Final Continent” the narrator and his wife Mala: the transition to their new life is challenging but gentle. The narrator looks forward to the opportunities that the new country has to offer. In that story “When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine” for Lilia's parents moving to America also offers them a wealth of opportunity not disclosed to them in India, but it costs Lilia in terms of connection to her culture. For her, "everything" is in India, her homeland, and she is not interested in the tryout to make a life in her new home. There is an emotional adjustment when moving to a new land. All the characters in all these stories are battling with their identity: the newly migrated or the ones descended from the immigrants. There is a longing felt for the native land, where one is born, a worry of losing one's culture and anxiety of not being

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