What Is The Role Of Women In A Raisin In The Sun

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The 1950s was a time were a lot of woman came back home from the war being more independent. During this time The Civil Right Movement was going on and there was a lot of discrimination against African Americans. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Park were the most influential people during this time because they were against discrimination. They were the ones that stood up to try and stop discrimination. The author Lorrain Hansberry wrote A Raisin in the Sun in 1959 while discrimination was still going on. The play Raisin in the Sun showed how woman were gaining rights during that time.
Mama younger was a progressive force that was both holding the family together and helping it to move forward. Throughout the play Mama Younger was a strong woman that was the head of her family since her husband died. Her priority was her family, everything she would do was …show more content…

Ruth play the role of a typical wife during that time: she would clean, cook, and support her husband. Even though she took the role of a woman during that time she was also gaining the rights that woman were earning in the 1950s. Ruth would go out and work to help her husband out economically because poverty was a big problem in her family. She also wanted to provide her family with a little extra money and avoid problems with her husband because they did not have money. Ruth was Walter’s biggest supporter because even though they always had problems because of money. She stayed with Walter and help him as much as she could. One of the biggest problems that Ruth had was losing control when she found out that she was pregnant. Her first option when she found out that she was pregnant was to get an abortion. During that time getting an abortion was illegal and woman were judged. Ruth considered not having her baby because of the economic problems they had. At the end she did not get an abortion because things in her house got

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