What Is The Representation Of Gender In Black Panther

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When we compare the portrayal of society in the original comic versus the modern film we can see definite ideological criticism in attitude towards race, gender roles and social economic strata in society. People will commonly assume because of the the black panther movement in the sixties and seventies was a racial political movement for African Americans who felt oppressed which was a reality for them and this was their counter culture. They were protesting against the establishment always enriching white powerful men and always doing that in a way that vilified black men. The Black Panthers sometimes engaged in terrorism activity but most of the time it was activism like protests and media coverage. This is a central issue because most people will assume that the character of the Black Panther is African American. …show more content…

This may mean that blacks are still overcoming their unvoiced race and the creators incorporated this with the quietness of the character because of the racial expectations. The quietness might be an issue in it of itself. Given that Superman, Spiderman and Batman all have dominant heros where their is a clear lack of gender equality. Gender at the time was that women were portrayed as inferior and they were never equal to Superman, Spiderman or Batman. They were the love and trust of those characters. They were never the heros. In the film in Black Panther the women were on equal fitting and here is how we know why….this attitude is shown when…Very nearly did and in a way that is its own defiance. Describe the character, personality, colors they wear. Portrayed that way more than the other. These are the values that these choices communicate. The Black Panther has come to represent this movement and therefore is now associated with the Black

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