What Is The Professional Code Of Ethics In Professionalism

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Professionalism claimed insistence to professional ethics which liable to belief and moral values of a society. Comply with any profession; professional ethics acted as guidance for professionals in conducting their behaviours while do their duty. In psychology, there are ethical principles that psychologists must follow to prevent them from deceiving their clients, meaning the psychologist perform fiction statement to a patient for benefits of the psychologist. Professional code of ethics for Malaysian counselors developed by PERKAMA (Persatuan Kaunseling Malaysia) and Malaysian Psychotherapy Association (MPA) or the Persatuan Psikoterapi Malaysia is a professional body for practicing psychotherapists. Both associations Ethics Code is intended to provide specific standards to cover most situations encountered by psychotherapists or counselors, in short, psychology’s professional. It has as its goals the welfare and protection of the individuals and groups with whom psychotherapists work. Kitchener (1984) claimed that five ethical principles as elementary of psychologies ethical practice: to do good and benefit others, to do no harm, to respect others’ autonomy, to act fairy and justly, and to be faithful to commitments. These principles acted as guideline for psychology association in setting their rules and standards which intend to: 2.1 Promoting the welfare of clients (consumers). The APA ethics code for client welfare proposed sensible steps to reduce and evade unnecessary harm to customers’ which must be following by the psychology practiser. Psychologists need to wholly inform clients or whoever responsible for their care about the purpose and nature of their services which involving from the reason to conduct the serv... ... middle of paper ... ...relationship with the client in future time. Younggren & Gottlieb (2004), mentioned there are dual relationship that unavoidable and yet not unethical. Indeed, there is argument debate that in some circumstances evasion a dual relationship possible to harm the professional relationship with the client (Campbell & Gordon, 2003). The involvement and disputation regards nonsexual multiple relationships may direct the therapists’ flag in engage a careful, reasoned ethical decision-making process. 2.6.2 Billing Billing practice emphasizes on the accuracy in amount and clear yet open charges for psychological services. A psychologist should make sure they bill only for services guided with correct procedure codes, bill the appropriate people, which is the clients, discuss billing practices up front, build trust and set appropriate limits for debts ( Eric Harris, JD, Ed).

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