What Is The Moral Of The Three Little Pigs

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The fable The Three Little Pigs is about three pigs who leave home to have fun throughout the summer. Once summer comes to an end they realize they have to live life and then they run into some problems.When the classic fairy tale The Three Little Pigs is analyzed from the critical viewpoint of morals,readers may discover some very interesting and remarkable surprises. You can view The Three Little Pigs in many different ways and interpret it from different viewpoints. A critic moralising this story would see that the pigs are taught lessons such as independence, learning from your mistakes and responsibilities. To begin with the moral of independence, the pigs need to learn very quickly that they couldn’t return home to their parents. They can’t always rely on each other so they have to fend for themselves. In the text it states, “Autumn came and it began to rain. The three little pigs started to feel they needed a real home….They talked about what to do, but each decided for himself”. This shows that for one they realized too late that they needed to make a place to live and stay safe. Later in the text it also says “I shall finish my house first. It must be solid and sturdy. And then I'll come and play!" he said. "I shall not be foolish like you! For he who laughs last, laughs longest!". Although his house did If you don't learn from your mistakes you will never go anywhere but down and you won't grow at all. Although, the pigs do eventually learn their point it took them time and they had to slither away from the wolf barely making it. The pigs learning from their mistakes are shown when the text states “From that terrible day on, the wisest little pig's brothers set to work with a will. In less than no time, up went the two new brick houses”. For instance if the wisest pig did not take him time to build the brick house all the pigs would have been gobbled up by the big bad

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