What Is The Mood Of Everything Stuck To Him By Raymond Carver

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“Everything Stuck to Him” by Raymond Carver is a prime example of a frame story, which is a literary technique that authors use when there is a secondary story or stories present within the main story. Carver is innovative with his strategies to develop and influence the overall message of the passage. The easy-to-follow storyline he creates allows readers to focus more on the deeper meaning behind the text rather than the text alone. Carver utilizes the establishment of setting, methods of characterization, symbolism, and an impeccable use of language to manipulate the text and impact its meaning. The story commences with a father and daughter in the present, having a heartwarmingly nostalgic discussion about the girls childhood. The first …show more content…

“She’s in Milan for Christmas and wants to know what it was like when she was a kid. Tell me, she says. Tell me what it was like when I was a kid - But first fix us another so you won’t have to stop in the middle. He comes back from the kitchen with drinks, settles into his chair, and begins” (Carver). The brief description of the setting allows Carver to show readers that there is a loving and comfortable bond between the father and daughter without saying so blatantly in the text. The establishment of the setting helps set the mood of the moment and allows readers to have a general idea of the status of the father and daughters relationship in the present. The various methods of characterization that Carver presents to the audience influences the general disposition of the passage. Throughout the story, he never gives names to the characters of the story, which makes it very difficult for readers to forge an identity for them. Carver refers to the characters as boy and girl instead of man and woman to depict their youthful and inexperienced nature. “They were kids themselves, but they were crazy in love, this eighteen-year-old boy and this seventeen-year-old girl when they got married”

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