What Is The Difference Between Bias And Compassion

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No one can define how much compassion is right; we have to decide that for ourselves. In medicine there is a fine line between impartiality and indifference, and compassion and bias. Although both are crucial virtues for physicians to possess, it is imperative that they remain in balance and to have neither too much nor too little compassion. Compassion and impartiality are two sides of a coin and physicians should try to master both to serve patient.
The heads side of the coin or impartiality is the other fifty percent of the equation for creating a successful physician. It may be hard to do, but is necessary to focus on the disease rather than who the patient is in order to come up with the right amount of compassion. Even though, as humans we are bound by moral and or social dilemmas that can cause us to waiver when faced with a contrasting point of view. A common ethical dilemma often posed is the case of treating patients, who is flagrantly offensive, and their actions caused others to suffer harm. It might be difficult knowing that a patient you are saving may go back to harming others. In this case you will have to rely …show more content…

There are many benefits to simply listening and working to understand the problems of a patient. Research studies have shown that compassionate doctors commit less medical errors and have patients with better recovery which ultimately leads to higher patient satisfaction. However, crossing over the line and becoming too invested in a patient’s well-being can have detrimental effects. Doctors who become too invested can suffer from compassion fatigue which can cause burn out consequently ending a career as a proficient physician. It is necessary to maintain impartiality to come up with a clear treatment plan, compassion bolsters the outcome of the plan by showing the patient that doctors truly care about their

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