What Is The Big Picture Of The Bible?

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Journal 3 It is no secret to Christians, and even most non-Christians, that the Bible claims to be and is the story of God, but what is the point of that story? What is the big picture of the Bible? The answer is simple. Reconciliation and sovereignty. By looking at God’s continuing work throughout the entirety of the Bible, we can see exactly how and what God is reconciling back to himself and how he establishes his sovereignty.
Broadly, by studying the Bible, we can see that God is reconciling every part of his cosmic house back to himself. Once accountability/sin was introduced into the world so was disorder. Sin corrupted God’s “good” world and provided the need for a saving and a reconciling act. More specifically, there are numerous …show more content…

During the Israelites journey, there were many different times where God allowed a civilization to rise and take them into captivity with the end goal of judging and shaping his people. Through these captivities, by looking carefully, we can see that God is judging his people’s sinful ways and showing them that he is still in control of their destiny in order that they might turn back to him. In addition, perhaps the greatest reconciliation involved in God’s plan, to date, is Jesus. Jesus accomplished everything that everyone who came before him couldn’t. As an example, he established and was the source of order on his own, which Adam failed to do. Through Jesus and the new covenant, God will one day complete his act of full and complete reconciliation that he began when sin and disorder entered the world. That’s a huge piece of the big picture of the Bible. That is, God’s reconciliation in and through the work of his son Jesus in all places and at all times. Jesus accomplished what man could not for themselves and is therefore the avenue by which God reveals himself through and ultimately will bring us …show more content…

I had so often made the mistake of viewing it as a collection of books from different people all talking about the same kind of thing, but what I missed was the beautiful continuity and cohesion that all the books possess. Every book works equally and perfectly together to give us the exact amount of details that God wants us to have about his reconciliation of the world and our souls back to himself from the way he works with the Israelites to the laws he gives us. The books also work perfectly together to show us how God’s hand is involved in every little detail throughout the Bible, furthering establishing that he is truly before and above all creation. Through reading this, I was reminded of how much I take the Bible for granted for what it really is. I was convicted of how often I don’t give God near enough credit for the Bible and all that it contains, stands for, and is. All in all, I was happy to be reminded that God is currently reconciling me and my sins back to himself like he did with those in the Bible and is still working in our world today to show us his sovereignty like he also did in the

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