What Is The Benefits Of The Crane And Turtle Exercise

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The benefits of the following Brain Cleansing Exercises of The Crane and Turtle, on which the process of Immortal Breathing is founded, are numerous and are intended to relax the mind as well as the body ,allow for total exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide which doesn’t usually happen with ordinary breathing, allow for full elimination of stagnant gases retained in the lower portion of the lungs, has the ability to enable us to last 50% longer during demanding physical performances such as, athletics and other stamina enduring sports, the exercises also balance our energy and thus promote a smoother functioning of the internal organs and with correct and regular practice the Crane and Turtle exercises will restore proper functioning of the …show more content…

Benefits of the Turtle Exercise. Practice of the Turtle exercise can have immediate impact in stimulating and energising all the nerves of the neck which lead to the brain and to the lower extremities of the body. It increases the circulation resulting in a reduction in any tension and tiredness in the upper back and the neck. The exercise aids the Lymphatic system, as it carries away deposits which would otherwise impair the proper functioning of the nerves, tissues, arteries and veins of the …show more content…

The middle way exists to guide us to inner peace. Acceptance and the willingness to journey forth to the next state without fear, where mind and heart is open and where transcendence can begin. Ultimately, negative thoughts detract from the middle way; by thinking negatively one stagnates at one extreme. Clearing the mind shouldn’t either be a positive sense of being, as cleansing as this may seem, for this is also is stagnation at the opposite end of thought. Clearing the mind is about the middle ground of either t state, it’s a neutral place, a balancing state where one is in control of either extreme and feels comfortable just being, where one is most receptive and connected to internal / external chi (subtle energies) and maintaining the balance of the middle way regardless of thoughts that may sway one’s mind from either extreme. The middle way is like a stillness of contentment that accepts both negative and positive without being judgemental or opinionated to either, its acceptance and appreciation of the moment, the now, the now that occurred because of both extremes, both forces, and respecting that they both exist and need to exist in order for a now to exist. Its compassion, its love and thus transcendence to higher plan of openness and understanding of our individual

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