What Is Teenage Suicide?

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Suicide is known to be the act of intentionally taking one’s life. It’s an action that is usually done in despair and loss of hope, and is a tragedy at any age. However, it is seen to be more tragic for those who take their lives at such a young age as they have just started their paths in life. Unfortunately, suicide is the third leading cause of death in youth. Nearly 5,000 teenagers commit suicide, and they range between the ages of 10-24, according to the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC). A significant reason behind this number is due to the fact that large quantities of youth go through a period of commotion and uncertainty; new social roles are being learned, new relationships are being made, and future roles are …show more content…

Teens who suffer from depression usually do not appear sad, nor do they seem to withdraw from people, making it more complicated to notice the signs of depression. Although, a way to catch these signs is to have a parental figure, or someone that the teen cares for be always around if they need to talk or convey their inner thoughts and emotions (JBG, 2012). With this, a teen can feel more comfortable and may eliminate any negative thoughts due to the positive and caring atmosphere. In addition, family-members should never take suicide threats or any depression symptoms lightly, because every little detail can affect a teenager’s …show more content…

Teenagers are more likely to kill themselves with guns than with all other intentional means combined such as hanging, poisoning, overdosing on medication, jumping off a high altitude, or cutting their wrists. Even though guns are not the most common method by which people attempt suicide, they are the most lethal is the highest cause of death in suicide, as the bullets in the guns have a permanent effect in contrast to other methods, which is why the number of suicides by gunshots are (Bendery, 2013, n.p). And so by removing such lethal weapons from the teenager’s household, it would cause an enormous decrease in gunshot

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