What Is Suicide Essay

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Sociology 2300 Applied Inquiry Assignment Part 1

Suicide is a major leading cause of death in adolescents and young adults. Males, on average, are more likely to commit suicide than females and married people are the least likely to commit suicide. For this assignment, I chose the topic of suicide. Suicide is a broad topic and I decided to pick this issue because of how well known it is. Many individuals avoid talking about suicide because society has built up a stigma around it making it difficult to discuss and to support those struggling who reach out for help in an attempt find an answer, one which doesn’t end up being one to take their own life. Suicide is a social issue, which opens up a large discussion. Is it right? Is it selfish? …show more content…

Suicide is an individual act, but everything surrounding suicide such as the influences and factors are social. It is also social because it has to do with society; the stigmas, the way we respond and who it affects. Suicide is related to social factors that include but are not limited to; age, race and ethnicity, class and sexuality. Society plays a role in suicide and there is an explanation for suicide through society. Everything surrounding the topic of suicide is social, such as the reasons someone decides to do it. Social factors such as bullying, leads us into delving deeper into the topic. Why is bullying still continued when it is known to cause individuals to attempt/commit? Why aren’t schools doing more to prevent bullying? Will being homeschooled help? There are many unanswered questions which all link back to society and it’s impact of …show more content…

I’ve never been suicidal but many factors in my life have shown me why it may be someone’s last resort. The stress of school, exams, friends and the difficult impacts on one’s life such as a death of a loved one, and dealing with struggles of depression are all factors that can lead one to commit suicide. My opinion on suicide is that it is not selfish and it is not a sin but it is not always the right choice. It is most definitely a personal choice and I believe that individuals don’t make that choice lightly but there are many factors that go into that choice. Not everyone is as fortunate to grow up with loving parents, or have a house over their head. Not everyone is accepted and treated like everyone else is and most of the time people don’t realize that someone has dealt with more than you. I don’t believe suicide is ever the answer, although I can see both sides. I believe that if we made a difference in society through talking about suicide, that suicide wouldn’t be the issue that it is

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